Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Me Blog Pretty One Day

You know that dream where you're naked in public? That's blogging for the first time.
But I have something to say. I have a long career to base my view on. I reinvented myself from editor to professor. Besides, I'm tired of sitting by while a million-million people fly into the blogosphere.
Look out. Here I come, naked or not.
There's a lot of company out here, all playing off each other. My title on this intro-post plays off a book by humorist David Sedaris, he of the gabby sister. I'd link to them, but some of the technique is going to have to follow along later.
I'm more into content and making my opinion known for now. I wish to be humane about it and clever when possible. Wise would be good. And informed, open to new ideas but skeptical that everything that has gone before is bad, ready for the discard pile.
I'm a contrarian. For instance I believe media were put on this earth because The People need to communicate.
So the true focus of journalism should be on the consumer of news. I observe in these difficult times for media companies, however, an introverted attitude overly emphasizes the producers.
I'm for The People. Corporate journalism will sort itself out if it takes the same view.
I agree with an advice-post on ProBlogger that less is more in word length. I'll try. God knows. Don't want to bloviate. But o-o-o-o-o-h, I've got so much on my mind!
I'll give you passion. And consistency. And a willingness to back down when wrong.
Email me at even if you agree with some things I say.
And by all means add your comments to my posts, add this site to your bloglist and add it onto your blog reader.
There. I feel better now for adding all this up. I'm even dreaming like a blogger with clothes on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
